Jun 16, 2009


To share the good news to all my frens...

I am now 2 mths pregnant :) Maka zuriatku bakal bertambah menjelang tahun 2010 kelak. InsyaAllah

So, that's 1 of the reasons my blog is hibernating 'till further notice. (baus org kami bilang a.k.a Morning sickness).

To all "Mumbai fans" hehe - wait for my slide show in near future entry. Harap sabar menanti the "moment of truth from mumbai with love"...


R0G3R said...


Agee said...

tahniah.. Tahniah... mcm musim prengan pula opis kamurang tu aah .. :)

CHINA DOLL said...

Congrats Zue...

mzn said...

To R0G3R (walaupun ndak ku kenal) thank you for your visits and ur greetings.

To Agee - hehe ya....dan ndak sia2 kan hasil shoppingku di Matahari tu hari yang kamu tunggu aku smpi makan pizza hut tu...hehehe satu lagi isteri kepada warga PPPS pun pregnant jugak...coba ditebak sepa hahaha

To CHINA DOLL - tqvm fam...at least aku update suda blog ku ya...nda la sakit matamu haha

Agee said...

Zue.. iya kan .. lupa pulak aku pasal baju preggie yg ko beli tu gara2 nda ada baju yg ngam size sama ko..

siapa yaahh .. isteri jiran seteman Permata ku kah?

mzn said...

Agee - bukan la... silap tebak la ko. Kami punya TD ler...hehehe

Agee said...

alamak.. silap tebak sebab nda terlintas di fikiran ku individu tersebut .. :DD

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