Dec 25, 2008

Cukur Jambul Fahim & Angah's Birthday

Alhamdulillah, kenduri kesyukuran sempena cukur jambul Muhammad Fahim, along & angah sunat dan angah's besday telah selamat berlangsung on 23rd Dec lepas (kalau nda silap). Kira 3in1 la ni... Majlis ni simple ja, ala "jomo peleyak" (betul ka eja tu..? hehe) jgn marah ah hambali...InsyaAllah Fahim jadi anak soleh. Amiin.

Tamu yang hadir were ammoy close frens and kami adik beradik ja...tau la apartment kan mana la dapat jemput time meriah2 buat di rumah kita di Kg. Paasir putih putatan...
Upacara "belah mulut" Fahim...(kalau nda silap)

Pics wonderful kids with cousins...
Shukri Syifa'ie (pa'e), Siti Nur Farhana (nana) n Muhammad Naufal Zuhairy (Ofal)
..with additional Nadhrah Safiyyah (A'ah)
Most fav. part for Ofal n A'ah...birthday celebrations...
Bday boy Muhammad Zahid (Angah) in green shirt...sorry muka spearuh ja te-snap...

Dec 21, 2008

Nadhrah's Skin Probs

Back from Penang on the 19th, my kids were taking their nap. Checked on them, very shocked seeing nadhrah's feet and face ... sort of "kudis". then checked thru her whole body and found at her back...ya Allah...beruk pun nda tekezut macam aku...panic in a while...terus try ty2 skin specialist di RMC n SMC. RMC dorang just got the visiting consultant and i asked for the Dr. ctc info...i called but the clinic doesn't accept walk-in patient...kena buat appontment 2 weeks in advance...SMC also the same...actually my hubby already bawa ke Dr. tapi biasa la mama2 ni kan mau juga 2nd opinion ... jumpa our family Dr. di Poliklinik Rakyat - Dr. Sharifah. Alhamdulillah she said that it wasn't kind of kudis buta. Just skin rash due to mosquito bite or other insects (buli2 kan jadi rupa gitu...) ...but cos nadhrah's got sensitive skin type n quickly betindakbalas dgn bacteria jadi la begini... (forgot the scientific name the Dr. mention the other day hehehe next time will jot it down)

Nadhrah's back skin..the worst part

Her hand

Her face (see her nose and chin)

Kesian anak mama ni...

3rd ICPE 2008 - Gurney Resort Hotel, Penang

PPPS, UMS Delegates

Dinner @ Gurney with Asma (USM IPS Staf) ... smpat lagi sesat dalam bangunan hotel malam tu n we are latecomers...LOL
PPPS Students

Speakers & Presenters at ICPE3

Isk...isk...apa ni? Kes ngantuk takut tesengguk...amik gambar kaki sendiri dan muka sendiri (gambar bawah)...macam orang sewel...Alahai nampak sgt la muka ngantuk...

Air Asia changed the tagline...?

On Nov 15th, PPPS delegates (4 staffs & 7 students) was having a trip to Penang...not a vacation trip but to attend an international conference on postgraduates studies (ICPE3) at Gurney Resort Hotel. This is my 1st experience to go on board with "EVERYONE CAN FLY" aircraft... Not that bad la but my 1st impression was "like being in a night-market" hahaha ... now i think AIRASIA should add the tagline to "EVERYONE CAN FLY & WHILE ON BOARD QUICKLY GRAB THE SEAT". Having said that, whilst i step my feet on the aircraft...(though i have the express boarding pass with few another silly, uncivilised people...) everybody was rushing to book the seat for their other family members. Why i said those people are silly...of course la u can get the seat cos u had have those express worries stupid. Then why are they uncivilised?... cos they book for every other members till 2-3 rows...aiyaa...and what irritates me MOST...the passenger seating at my back row was with his 2 kids and they kicked my seat, went in and out of their seat like "mama bapa dia punya aircraft la..." !!! So disturbing.... but at 2nd tot...this is the purpose...EVERYONE CAN FLY, should there's no AIRASIA, everyone's become hardly to fly and if i am not serving as government officer..."JAGHANG-JAGHANG" (rarely) will i get the chances to fly. Yet, i will consider myself to flying with airaisia with my family again next time for the price is very competitive though have to sacrifice the "comfy"...

This cost me RM16...lapar punya pasal redah jer...

Dec 17, 2008

Newborn Nephew - Muhammad Fahim

Congratulations to Ammoy (my sister) on his 5th newborn baby boy on 9th Dec 2008
p/s : no retreat no surrender...try to get girl next coming year ;-)

From Bandung With Love

Got ole2 from Bandung few weeks ago from Paksu for hubby n me.

Thanks for the tots. Next time buy me perfume LOL :D

Dec 11, 2008

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

You Are Brilliant and Stubborn

You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.

You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.

But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

Got this from kamy's blog. When i type my name, the result is as above...Dominant personality? Hmmm - kwang3...

Dec 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Paksu


Dec 1, 2008

Surat Daripada Dr. Mahathir - My Review

A Week ago i read the book and just finished reading days ago. The book is very straight forward. It's highly recommended to whoever has made Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as idols or role model and to all leaders or leaders to be :)(since it's gud to know and follow his leadership style) and recommended to be read by young Malays.

The strength of the book is not only because it's narrated about the social and political path of Tun Dr. Mahathir from zero to hero but the book's full with words and phrase that can make our eyes wide open on how Tun Dr. Mahathir strive and strengthen the Malays in the eyes of the others. What he did for the last 2 decades is really superb and for me he's the real Malay not the "ultra Malay" as what Lee Kuan Yew called him...fight for what is right for us.
This book has revealed everything (though not in detail) - from the day he started his career as a government Doc till the day of his retirement, up to the tense he made between his successor (Pak Lah) and AP / Proton issue with Rafidah.

Here's some of the phrase that has brought me goosebumps and sometimes make "my eyes leak" ...

Sebenarnya inilah janjinya bersempena dengan pemilihannya sebagai Presiden UMNO dan menjelang pelantikannya menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang keepmat. Katanya, "Tugas saya yang paling penting adalah untuk menyambung tugas menjadikan kita sebagai satu bangsa yang dihormati kerana kemajuannya dan negara kita dihormati kerana kekuatannya. Warganegara Malaysia mestilah setaraf dengan negara-negara mana juga di seluruh dunia. Kita mesti menjadi satu bangsa yang maju. Kita mestilah menjadi satu bangsa yang kata-kata dipercayai, our word is our bond. Kita boleh menuju ke tahap ini, akan kita usahakan."

..."bagaimana akan merdeka jika membuat jarum sebatang pun belum berupaya."

Dr. Mahathir menentang banyak tradisi tetapi beliau menyanjung tinggi tradisi ini.

Saya merasa dunia akan sepi tanpa suaranya yang menyegarkan rakyat Malaysia dan dunia dengan idea-idea baru, kritikan terus terang dan berani. Malaysia akan kehilangan seorang pemimpin yang dapat menterjemah sesuatu idea yang sulit dan canggih denga bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh semua orang. Tindakannya logik, mencabar dan meyakinkan dalam bidang sosial, ekonomi, politik dan agama.

Dr. Mahathir berkata, "Kalau kita meletakkan diri kita dalam semua pengadilan, kita tidak boleh membuat keputusan dan tidak boleh bersikap adil. Keadilan adalah yang terpenting dan kita mestilah berfikir bahawa jika diri kita sendiri berada dalam kesemua pengadilan yang dibuat, maka kita tidak boleh berlaku adil."

To know more...have to read it urself ;)

Emergency Leave...againnnnn!!!

Today i have to take emergency leave due to same, old and never ending story - maid problem. Yesterday i did call the previous amah to come. But she told me she has a candidate to introduce me tomorrow at about 9am. So i text my staff to let them know i'll be late coming to the office. At 9am this morning i called and asked about the maid. She then told me the maid already work at other place yesterday. Then i asked her to come for helping me temporarily - while i'm looking for one. She refused for the reason that she can't go back late for me and my hubby usually come home late from annoying she said is most likely we Malaysians being kinda "slave" to wat we so-called PATI...sooooo demanding. BUT before i hang up with this minah INDON i sarcastically said "then what are you doing staying here in Sabah (Malaysia) if not doing nothing. Better go back and "jaga anak" at your own country. Bikin semak ja sini!!!(i didnt' say the last part out loud hehe). GERIGITAN the very-very and very much. Hmmm that's insured value for my mouth will become high if get angry and can't think of anything but LASER (tau takper kan)...
Then i decided to get maid thru agent from Kuching with the help of my fren. Actually i sms her last nite just to know the price to pay and the procedures. Here's the sms :

Fren : Helo Zue..if u want one from indon sebelah swak sana nak ambil thru agent is rm2400 then ambik maid tu dari kch. pas/permit etc boleh buat kat kk. But it takes a while to get one. Like mine since Jan I tunggu. u looking for one?
My Reply : Ya...ok ka juga?dr kch siapa amik?kita sndri or thru agent jg...?
Fren : mcm saya hari tu I ask my sis to bring the maid here. sampai sini buat medical cek up, then buat pas @ imigresen tu kena rm960. Byk juga la I spent on this maid, but she's good wit my kids...itu yg penting
My Reply : Ya tu la yg pntg ok...mahal nda pa. then how much u pay her?u kira jaminan u potong gaji dia or cmana?
Fren : I pay her 300 mthly, tak potong jamin etc. If u really want can ask my mum to contact d agent in kch to get u one.

Then this morning I sms her again to make comfirm about the maid...after deep thinking it's better for me get thru my fren said no matter how much we spent the most important thing is our kids are safe at home.

So to all bloggers fren whom have similar probs to get maid, at least i've shown u the choice to make. Better than nothing...
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