Feb 1, 2009

Taged By Kim

The Rules:
1. Your name / identification name / username etc.2. Write anything using either your left / right hands.
3. Most favorite alphabets.
4. Less favorite alphabets.
5. "The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog".
6. Tag more 6 persons / bloggers.

Pandai2 la kamurang baca ni blurry pic ya...my handwriting pun bida' dan halus...sehalus orangnya huahuahua...

....and the lucky 6 bloggers are :

1. Nleen

2. Nini@Nots

3. Paksu

4. Pudan (besawang kali blog nya tu suda...mmm or lupa pwd lg hahaha)

5. Yantie Rahman (ntah dibuat ka inda ni ...)

6. Anybody yg volunteer...

1 comment:

ArnabGumuk said...

makde..kim sudah tag aku ni..hahaha!!tpksa ko carik urg lain nong!!

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